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⇒ Libro Gratis Angel Star Jennifer Murgia Books

Angel Star Jennifer Murgia Books

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Angel Star Jennifer Murgia Books

Angel Star is a great book, from a debut author who managed to create a refreshing, captivating and compelling story about angels.

When I finish reading the Angel Star I asked myself:

Did you like this book?
My answer: Of course I loved it.
My second question was

Why you loved it?
My answer: Aside from the love story, my stronger reason is because is different of any book is out there, it doesn't focus only in the relationship of the main characters but in the on going war between good and evil and in very interesting way.
Jennifer Murgia has not only managed to write a beautiful story about love but also she manages to combine that already existent war between good and evil and what shock me a little more it was the fact the one who is stirring up this war is a divine entity with very obscure motives.

At first I must confess the pace was slow at firt but I felt it was necessary since you must be introduce to Teagan's world but after chapter 12 everything blows up in your face, she must face a destiny that she didn't even know she had to and make decisions that could alter not only her existence but also of her loved ones. I liked her character a lot because she wasn't the "perfect girl" but also she wasn't also the "I'm badass girl" she was in the between, a perfectly normal girl with curtains insecurities yes but with a very nicest qualities and who was happy with who she was.

Another factor that make me like this book so much is that the good vs. evil plot is very well thought, Garreth representing the light and Hadrian representing the evil and what intrigue me more it was the fact that even though Teagan was walking along the path of Garreth there were moments she got a glimpses of what Hadrian could offered her and the fact that she contemplate the idea of accepting him, it just a reminder for me that there's always a dark side in all of us and you have to make the choice of either embracing the dark side or simply doing what's right.

The only thing that I wasn't 100% convinced lets say I was like 90%, it was Teagan's and Garreth relationship but it seemed a little bit rushed and I'm sucker for well developed relationship and the fact that Hadrian got me all curious I guess I found more depth into Hadrian character than Garreth but I'm looking forward to see how their relationship develops in Lemniscate. And like you said, how no to be seduced by Hadrian? Wow, I'm also a sucker for the bad guy and I wanted to know more about him and when i found who was his twin brother I was like WHAT? and the fact that what he's doing would cause him a great deal of trouble with his brother and to know there's even something meaner and sinister than can happens makes the reading even more exciting.

So my final verdict about this book that aside that is awesome is that is different but a different in a good way because there nothing out there which is similar and yet is a very compeling reading, eventhough I wish there would be a few pages more but I guess I would have to wait until Lemniscate.

Read Angel Star Jennifer Murgia Books

Tags : Angel Star (9780982500538): Jennifer Murgia: Books,Jennifer Murgia,Angel Star,Lands Atlantic Publishing LLC,098250053X,Teens Fiction,Children's Books - Young Adult Fiction,Fantasy & Magic,Horror & ghost stories,JUVENILE FICTION Science Fiction, Fantasy, Magic,Juvenile Fiction Love & Romance,Juvenile Fiction : Fantasy & Magic,Love & Romance,Romance,Romance & relationships stories (Children'sYA),Science fiction (Children'sYA),Children's Books - Young Adult Fiction

Angel Star Jennifer Murgia Books Reviews

Angel Star is in one word perfection! Jennifer Murgia's book had me excited right from the beginning. She drew me in and her world refused to let me go, not that I wanted to leave, lol. I was so far from disappointed, in fact she surpassed what I had even hoped for. And did I mention this is her debut YA novel? I know...amazing!

Who doesn't love the idea of a guardian angel? I know I do and I can only hope that mine is as dreamy as Garreth! We meet our main character, Teagan in Angel Star and I just loved her. She's kind, brave and has such a big heart, and did I mention brave? Guardian angel or not, this girl has got guts!

And as I mentioned before, Garreth *swoon* is wonderful. He's the definition of good, protective and all around perfection. But where there is good, bad is always close behind. Enter Hadrian. All I can say is that he's got the tall, dark and dangerous vibe down to a tee.

The truth is, no review can do this book justice. It's just that good! This is a book I will read again and again, it's already a favorite. Some books (and they are few and far between) just stick with you, and that is Angel Star for me. I can't express how excited I am for the sequel to come out and am only sad that it's not already on the shelves.

This book has it all, light vs. dark, good vs. evil, discovering what really matters and fighting for what's right. It's also about sacrifice and standing up for what you believe in. It's deep and emotional and will have you going through a gamut of emotions.

Murgia has a talent and is a natural story teller, so she's in the right business. Like I said...perfection!
This book was recommended to me by my awesome blog buddy Kate (who also happens to have a quote on the back cover of this book, how cool is that?) Anyway, my "to be read" pile has been mixed up in my move and I finally got all the boxes unpacked last week. So now I am on vacation (and brought a suitcase with just books, no really I did) and this book was on the top of the pile so I picked it up last night. I started reading it around 900 pm last night and stayed up until 100am to finish, I was addicted!! I seriously could not put it down, I may have closed it temporarily to get a drink or something but it was always in my hand.

I am a paranormal, sci-fi, fantasy kinda girl so I love the part of stories where the action picks up and your are left in suspense. Don't get me wrong, still love the romance elements in there, what girl doesn't? But the suspense side to this genre is what pulls me in completely and that is why I think I love this book so much. You hit the ground running with Angel Star and I loved every fast paced minute of it.

Since I have been reading for a while now I have also noticed that in many books there is the "fluff" factor. You know what I am talking about, all that fluffy stuff that is in books that really doesn't add to the story. For example when you read about the characters going through all the boring everyday things in their life; eating breakfast for four pages, walking down the hall for three pages, or being in a bad mood for half the book (you know what book I mean...hehe) Okay sorry, you get the point right? Well, while all that stuff is going on you know you are secretly skipping ahead to try and get to the meat of the story, I know I do it. This book though, has no fluff, it was incredibly! I even found myself reading too fast at points and I had to go back and re-read because I had missed an important line two paragraphs before. It was crazy, I know I read fast sometimes, but I guess I am always ready for the "fluff factor" but in Angel Star that never came.

As far as characters in the story, Teagan is a great one. One of the things that I love about her is that she is open to a world outside her own. She believes that anything is possible and with the nightmares that haunt her, she is constantly searching through paranormal books for more theories and answers. Which as a fellow lover of this genre made me like her even more. And then there's Garreth...I am at a loss for words on how to describe him, but he is definitely worth reading about. And we don't even have to wait long to learn more about him, because he finds Teagan in chapter 1 and he is already leaving her breathless. He is a wonderful character that I don't want to say too much about because I don't want to spoil anything, but he is one of my new favorite leading men.

I usually try to write my reviews right after I read because it is the freshest in my mind and I want those initial thoughts. But I went to sleep last night to chew over everything I just experienced and woke up this morning and had to re-read some of my favorite passages before I could write up the review. You see when I really like a book I engulf myself in it and this is one of those books for me. I have spent the day looking up the author (she has a signing near me that I am going to try and go excited) and some of the lore mentioned in the book and then realized it was 600pm and I had spent the day on the computer! So my point to all this excited rambling? You should go pick up this book, duh!?! You will be swept you off your feet with this novel and you will not touch ground again until the last page. I think it might take you by surprise, I know it snuck up on me and I am glad it did.

Language Love

"When the veil of the forest began to smother us, I looked up through the open roof of the Jeep in time to see the flanking limbs choke out the rest of the sun"

It was really hard for me to only pick one line from this book because Jennifer is a master at description. I was immersed in this world and the descriptions in it were memorizing. This one is my favorite though, there is just no way you cannot have a picture in your head after this line
Angel Star is a great book, from a debut author who managed to create a refreshing, captivating and compelling story about angels.

When I finish reading the Angel Star I asked myself

Did you like this book?
My answer Of course I loved it.
My second question was

Why you loved it?
My answer Aside from the love story, my stronger reason is because is different of any book is out there, it doesn't focus only in the relationship of the main characters but in the on going war between good and evil and in very interesting way.
Jennifer Murgia has not only managed to write a beautiful story about love but also she manages to combine that already existent war between good and evil and what shock me a little more it was the fact the one who is stirring up this war is a divine entity with very obscure motives.

At first I must confess the pace was slow at firt but I felt it was necessary since you must be introduce to Teagan's world but after chapter 12 everything blows up in your face, she must face a destiny that she didn't even know she had to and make decisions that could alter not only her existence but also of her loved ones. I liked her character a lot because she wasn't the "perfect girl" but also she wasn't also the "I'm badass girl" she was in the between, a perfectly normal girl with curtains insecurities yes but with a very nicest qualities and who was happy with who she was.

Another factor that make me like this book so much is that the good vs. evil plot is very well thought, Garreth representing the light and Hadrian representing the evil and what intrigue me more it was the fact that even though Teagan was walking along the path of Garreth there were moments she got a glimpses of what Hadrian could offered her and the fact that she contemplate the idea of accepting him, it just a reminder for me that there's always a dark side in all of us and you have to make the choice of either embracing the dark side or simply doing what's right.

The only thing that I wasn't 100% convinced lets say I was like 90%, it was Teagan's and Garreth relationship but it seemed a little bit rushed and I'm sucker for well developed relationship and the fact that Hadrian got me all curious I guess I found more depth into Hadrian character than Garreth but I'm looking forward to see how their relationship develops in Lemniscate. And like you said, how no to be seduced by Hadrian? Wow, I'm also a sucker for the bad guy and I wanted to know more about him and when i found who was his twin brother I was like WHAT? and the fact that what he's doing would cause him a great deal of trouble with his brother and to know there's even something meaner and sinister than can happens makes the reading even more exciting.

So my final verdict about this book that aside that is awesome is that is different but a different in a good way because there nothing out there which is similar and yet is a very compeling reading, eventhough I wish there would be a few pages more but I guess I would have to wait until Lemniscate.
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